Cobra 6422 touchkey programmer rental

£10 per week

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This kit lets you program a new touchkey for the 6422 alarm / immobiliser commonly found in S1 Elises.

Programming requires removal of the upper dash panel to allow access to the programmer port on the 6422 alarm.  An Android phone / tablet supporting bluetooth is required to operate the programmer (iOS support hopefully coming eventually).

In addition to the £10 per week fee (which includes outbound postage) I’m asking for a £100 deposit to be returned when I receive the kit back.

New keys can be purchased from eBay for around £18 each.  If there’s sufficient interest I might get a few of these to keep in stock and supply with the kit at cost.

Listing ID: 880676868a37ddbb

1st March 2025 8:27 am

21 days
